There was a lot going on this year from start to finish both personally and in a business sense.  Lots of sales and new designs in my shop, lots of learning, drone flying, photographing people, buses and a huge sold out season of Santa Beach Photos.

I got to take many little trips in our converted van and make Tiktok videos which I have really enjoyed doing.  My drone always comes along for the ride and I get to fly it in cool places.  We added an electric bike to our fun toys this year and use it a lot to get around while camping.

I’ve been asked to give two talks at the Photography Society of Queensland’s annual convention in Hervey Bay next year so have been updating my presentations and learning lots of new things to include.  I have also done many club judgings for Queensland camera clubs and some panel judgings which I enjoy.  The photos are displayed in front of you one by one, and along with two other judges, you enter scores into a keypad.  It’s impact judging and is interesting to see what captures a judges attention and what doesn’t.  I have continued to serve as Vice President of the Photography Society and the Chair of the Judge’s Executive committee with monthly meetings and training lots of new judges into our system.

This year my family and I celebrated 20 years since we left the shores of New Zealand and came here for the sunshine and opportunities.  We had a lovely degustation 5 course meal dinner out, and I made a little video of that experience too.  Our family has grown from 5 to 9 now with our youngest’s wedding hopefully in 2025.

Here’s to a fresh new year with exciting opportunities, more fun times, relaxation, and creativity.